Services for November and December 2024

Why not

St Andrew's


24th November

1st December

8th December

15th December

22nd December

24th December

29th December

10.45am Family Service

11.00am Methodist Form

11.00am Holy Communion

10.45 am Cafe Church

10.45am Family Service and Carols

6.00 pm Holy Communion

10.30 am Combined Parishes Holy Communion

Why not

St John

Newton upon Rawcliffe

1st December

25th December

10.00am Holy Communion

10.00am Holy Communion

Why not

All Saints


17th November

1st December

15th December

22nd December

24th December

9.30am Holy Communion

6.15pm CHAPEL United Service

9.30am Holy Communion

4.00 pm CHURCH United Carol Service

11.30 pm Midnight Holy Communion

Why not

Marton Mission Room

10th November

2.30pm Combined Marton and Normanby at Marton Remembrance Service


St Laurence

Kirby Misperton

24th November

8th December

15th December

22nd December

24th December

10.00am Holy Communion

10.00am Morning Prayer

6.00pm Carol Service

4.00pm Christingle

11.30 pm Holy Communion

Why not

St Chad

Great Habton

1st December

22nd December

10.00am Sunday Half Hour Lay-led

10.00am Holy Communion

Why not

St Andrew


1st December

24th December

10.00 am Holy Communion

3.00 pm Crib Service

Why not

St John of Beverley


24th November

1st December

22nd December

25th December

6.00 pm Evening Prayer

6.00 pm Advent Service

6.00 pm Evening Prayer

9.30 am Holy Communion

Why not

Holy Epiphany


15th December

24th December

6.00pm Holy Communion

6.30pm Carol Service